Wednesday 20 June 2012

Pool Time

One of my favorite activities to do with our boys is let them explore in the wadding pool. They throw in rocks, make soup in buckets, play with toy boats and trucks. My oldest j particularly likes to turn on and off the hose learning the saying "lefty loosey righty tighty." J also learnt how when the hose is bend nothing comes out. It is a great way to spend the afternoon of course with multiple applications of sunscreen, they have a great adventure and I treasure the gift of watching the expression of joy on their faces.

 Here are a few pictures form our adventure.

L not sure if he wants to get in but likes to play with the boats.
Splashing each other

L out of the way as J splashes
Look I can splash too

J jumps in
L finally gets in the pool

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Winterpeg Mom

    Please excuse me for taking so long to find you and say hello.

    Sweet blog. Looking forward to your future posts.

    A glorious day in Winnipeg today. Have you looked at my 30x30 Nature Challenge journal? Please come and visit:

    All the best to you - I will come back for a visit, Valerie

    ! !
